4.50(4 Ratings)

WordPress: complete WordPress theme & plugin development

Categories WordPress

About Course

JavaScript is the popular programming language which powers web pages and web applications. This course will get you started coding in JavaScript.
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Course Curriculum

Getting Ready for WordPress Development

  • Course Introduction
  • Setting Up WordPress Locally
  • Editing WordPress Files Locally

PHP for WordPress

Child Themes and Starter Themes

The Template Hierarchy

Template Tags

Plugin Development

Free access this course
Enrollment validity: Lifetime

A course by

Material Includes

  • 12 hours video|fe fe-play-circle text-primary
  • Certificate|fe fe-award text-success
  • 12 Article|fe fe-calendar text-info
  • Watch Offline|fe fe-video text-secondary
  • Lifetime access|fe fe-clock text-warning


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